Thursday, May 13, 2010

Kitten Suckles Air

Worst Wedding DJ Ever....

If you can tolerate this dumbass until the 27 second mark, you'll see why.
The DJ, who is really a cat, is suddenly faced with the fact that the lady has large quantities of catnip in her bra.

Duct Tape......

when mixed with the right combination of drugs and alcohol, the possibilities are practically endless.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Shittards Unite

Miley Cyrus on her racy new video: my mom was there, dad was “so proud”

Miley Cyrus can't be tamed cause she was raised in a nest with a couple Douchebag Money Vulchers for parents. I could only watch this video once due to its horrific side effects.

Celebitchy » Blog Archive » Miley Cyrus on her racy new video: my mom was there, dad was “so proud”

Stop. Do the World a Favor and Get Somewhere and Sit Down


Shouldn't they make special butt bra's for situations of this magnitude?